Shame and Medicine Exeter
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Advisory Board

The project has a distinguished Advisory Board to help formulate the research design, to review and analyse our findings throughout the project, and to guide our dissemination strategy.

Alex Aylward

Patient Representative

Des Fitzgerald

University College Cork

Syed Husain

Medical Student, University of Birmingham

Jane Macnaughton

Durham University

Karen Mattick

University of Exeter

Rachel Moore

St. Columcille’s Hospital, Ireland

Ralph Hurley O Dwyer

Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin

John G. Richmond

University of Sheffield

Arub Saeed

Medical Student, University of Birmingham

Jonathon Tomlinson

GP Partner and Trainer, NHS

Robert Walker

Beijing Normal University & University of Oxford

Emma Wiley

Croydon University Hospital

Angela Woods

Durham University