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Shame In Context; Practitioners’ Perspectives

Event date: 23 January 2017

Venue: Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin

This meeting is the first in a series of discussions as part of the Wellcome Trust Seed funded project Shame and Medicine. The aim of the ‘Shame in Context’ Workshop is to bring together a number of academics from Trinity College Dublin and the UK with a view to establishing a collaborative group focused on exploring various aspects of shame in medicine. The ultimate purpose is to develop a large-scale research grant application.

The workshop will involve presentations from several healthcare practitioners reflecting on how shame dynamics permeate clinical practice and affect clients’ experiences, with particular interest in shame that is insidious, unarticulated, silent or not yet researched. The aim of the workshop is to generate discussion among a mixed group of medical professionals and academics from various disciplines (including history, philosophy, English, sociology, nursing) that can lead to the development of future research avenues.

Facilitator: Mary Robson

Speakers: Rachel Moore, Anne Marie Downey, Tina McGrath PhD., Shirley McQuade, Michelle O Mahony, Dr. Ruth Pilkington,

Participants: Dr. Daniele Carrieri, Dr. Luna Dolezal, Dr. Jana Funke, Dr. Phil Hutchinson, Prof. Mark Jackson, Dr. Barry Lyons, Dr. Paul Snelling, Dr. Angela Woods

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