Luna Dolezal, in collaboration with the Devon & Cornwall Police, has produced a ‘Shame and Violence – Considering Shame and Shame-Sensitive Practice in Policing’ presentation to help the Police and specifically the Public Health Approaches in Policing Group to better understand the role of shame in violence, and how shame-sensitive practice might be a useful approach in thinking about violence prevention. It has been shared widely across the Police Knowledge Hub, the Public Health Approaches in Policing Group and has been made available across the UK.
The purpose of the document is:
· To provide an introduction to shame.
· To provide some basic ‘shame competence’.
· To understand how chronic shame is connected to stigma, social harms and trauma.
· To raise awareness of the links between shame and violence, shame and violent crime, and shame and other criminal and anti-social behaviours.
· To outline some principles of shame-sensitive practice
The presentation is asking people to look at themselves and their organisations and consider:
· Creating Individual Shame competence
· Creating Organizational Shame Competence
· Avoiding Shaming in Policy and Practice
· Continuous Assessment of Practice for Shame and Shaming
· Creating a Culture of Engaged Practice in order to address Social Harms and Stigma
We are continuing to work with the Devon & Cornwall Police to develop training in ‘shame competence‘.