Shame and Medicine Exeter
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Matthew Gibson


University of Birmingham

Matthew Gibson is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher in the School of Social Policy. His research interests relate to emotions and professional practice, and particularly the emotions of pride and shame. He undertook a study on pride and shame in child and family social work and is currently working on the Wellcome Trust funded shame and medicine project; although he has also undertaken a number of other research and evaluation projects. Matthew is a qualified Social Worker with professional practice experience in statutory child protection social work, having worked in the UK and abroad. He is the director for the MSc in Advanced Child Protection Studies and supervises research projects related to child protection practice, emotions, and professional practice.

Matthew leads on the empirical research of the Shame and Medicine Project. He works with a research fellow and associate at the University of Birmingham to collect qualitative data on shame experiences in doctors, students and patients. This research will contribute to the wider interdisciplinary analysis of the whole project.

See Matthew’s University of Birmingham profile here.

For details on Matthew’s publications, presentations and talks related to the Shame and Medicine project visit Publications.